Monday, September 13, 2010

Snake in the Storeroom

This morning my gardener, Mopipi, found a olive grass snake dead in my storeroom.  It had crawled into my berry netting, got stuck, and strangled itself.  We are pretty sure that this is the same snake that's been sighted near my compost in the past few months.  It's not too venomous, and only causes some pain and nausea to human victims.

All the animals were quite interested in the snake as Mopipi worked to cut it out of the netting.  Looloo and Feefee both came over to sniff and got a bit frightened.  Pepper kept on sneaking closer and closer to the dead snake and Looloo would herd her away which I quite liked.  It's taken the goats five months to accept the cats and I'm quite pleased Looloo feels so protective over Pepper now.

I actually suspect that the snake was chased into the storeroom by my cats.  It had a large wound near it's tail that they probably made.

Looloo is almost all healed up.  Her wound is no more than a small scab now.  I vaccinated them over the weekend and they are totally healthy.  My neighbors have reinforced their fence so their dogs are fully contained within their yard and I had a nice chat with someone who agrees with me that they are totally nuts.  All in all I feel pretty ok with leaving them again while I'm in the States.


  1. Still one more snake to go!! Any more sightings of the black mamba?

  2. Ha, ha. You're so funny you'll put my mother into a coma from laughing too much.
