Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Am An Island

Today I woke up to the sad little ping that means my power just got turned off.  Even in my hazy, pre-dawn half-slumber I knew what that sad little trill meant.  Later I found out most of the country is without power for some mysterious reason.  I also had to battle my way around ever increasing flood waters to reach the tar road.  All my access roads are flooded now save for one.  The flood water creeps up so quickly and because there is a layer of sand and debris on top you don't see it along the road until it actually covers the path you want to drive on.  There's also no petrol, diesel, or propane in the country due to a transport strike in South Africa.  I can't really think of anything I can do but stock up on hay, cat food, and food for myself as well.  I don't worry about my house being flooded but I worry about my house becoming a very small island and I don't have a boat.  

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